Down vs Down alternatives: differences and features

Down vs Down alternatives: differences and features

Although technology continues to develop more and more advanced forms of alternative down that are really very similar to natural down, there are differences that are almost impossible to bridge, both ethical and technical. The first thing that comes to mind when talking about the differences between down and alternative down is certainly the nature of the filling itself: while down is…

Stretch Insulation – The “Renaissance Man” of Thermal Insulation?

Widely considered one of the greatest artists of all time, Leonardo DaVinci so brilliantly captured Man’s symmetrical range through his sketch of The Vitruvian Man. Many points of meaning that can be extracted from this drawing, one of them being that Man can fill whatever environment/shape he wishes, geometrically, but also philosophically. So, what does The Vitruvian Man have to do with…

Bird is to plane, as skin is to… garment insulation?

Is it possible to take the natural heating and cooling mechanisms from the human body and recreate it synthetically to regulate heating and cooling in the form of textile insulation? Many scientists and garment insulation experts not only agree it’s possible but have already developed reliable solutions. Biomimicry is a discipline that learns from the genius and orchestration of the natural world…

If you had x-ray vision, what would you use it for?

if you had x-ray vision what would you use it for?

One might think such a question should be reserved to evoke the imagination of a child, or to embolden the undeveloped humor of a teenager. As insignificant of a question as it may seem, it directly parallels the way in which we use technology to gather information in any context or industry… yes, even the textile industry. In an age where technology…

What is polyfill material?

In a world where the answer to nearly any question can be found in under ten seconds by the search engine in your smartphone, the list of questions seems endless. So, naturally the first question that comes to mind is “what is polyfill material made of?” right? Well I hope not, but for the sake of this article, we’ll dive into the subject of polyfill, specifically within the context of the garment/textile industry

Microfibers – Small things add up to make a big difference…

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where instead of addressing a problem head-on you’ve opted to “let sleeping dogs lie?” I’m sure you can think of situations where the idiomatic phrase has served you well (it certainly has for me), however, there are undoubtedly problems that call for immediate action… Microfiber pollution is certainly one of them. Microfibers, like…